Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Week Ahead: October 22 - 27, 2017

Sunday, October 22
Deadline to order Kernel's Popcorn

Monday, October 23
11:30 - 12:20 Grade 5-6 Lego League Robotics Club in Rm. 14

Tuesday, October 24
11:00 Fire Drill
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 3 Choir (Rms. 9, 20, 26 & 32)
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 5-6 Guitar Program

Wednesday, October 25
11:25 - 12:22 Festival Chorus, Grade 4
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 6 Homework Club in Rm. 23

Thursday, October 26
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 3 Choir (Rms. 8, 10 & 19)
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 5-6 Guitar Program
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 1 Art Club in Rm. 15
6:30 pm School Council Meeting

Friday, October 27
Kernel's Popcorn Day
11:25 - 12:22 Festival Chorus, Grade 5-6
11:25 - 12:22 Grade 3 Sewing Club in Rm. 11