Friday, March 4, 2016

Parent Teacher Conferences

On Thursday, March 10th, and Friday, March 11th, 2016, we will hold our final round of Parent Teacher Conferences. The purpose of these conferences is to discuss student progress and next steps in learning. We ask parents and guardians to bring their student(s) with them to the conference so that students may share two pieces of work.

The on-line booking system is now open. A link to the Conference Manager is located under Quicklinks on the main page of our website.

We look forward to seeing you!

Book Fair

Our Library will be holding a fundraising book fair during Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 9th –11th, 2016.

Book Fair Hours:
March 9th: 3:00 - 6:00pm
March 10th: 8:15 - 7:00pm
March 11th: 8:00 - Noon

If you would like to volunteer to help at the Book Fair call Brenda at 403-777-8420 Ext 2 or email

In order to avoid long line ups, cash or cheque is preferred as our debit machine is very slow.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found items are currently displayed on tables in the front entrance. Items will remain on display during Parent Teacher Conferences, unclaimed items will be sent to charity. Please remember to check for your child’s lost items by noon on Wednesday, March 16th.