Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Making School Mathematics Make Sense

The College of Alberta School Superintendents and the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia invite parents, students, teachers, school & system leaders, and community members to participate in the first of a series of sessions featuring Dr. James Tanton on the timely topic: Making School Mathematics Make Sense

Where | St Leo's Elementary School (gymnasium), 6220 Lakeview Drive S.W.
When | Thursday, November 19, 2015 from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m.
There is no admission charge

Dr. James Tanton is recognized internationally for his ability to make mathematical ideas, concepts and "FACTS" simple to understand, repeat, practice and apply in solving problems. He stresses the need to teach students to THINK their way through solutions, and then demonstrates using "common sense" approaches.

This presentation will focus specifically on seeing and understanding a way to make the arithmetic we learned in school come alive with meaning.

It is very relevant to the mathematics taught from Grades 4 to 12.