Friday, February 27, 2015

The Week Ahead: March 2 - 6, 2015

Monday, March 2
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten and Grade 1

Tuesday, March 3
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten and Grade 1
Wee Read, Calgary Reads
Read2gether, Calgary Reads
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 8, 11, 15 & 19
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 4 Reading Club

Wednesday, March 4
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten and Grade 1
Read2gether, Calgary Reads
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons

Thursday, March 5
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten and Grade 1
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 9, 10, 17 & 22
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 3 Comic Club
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 & 3 Art Club
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons
Science Night: Last Names A-L 6:00 - 7:00; M-Z 7:00 - 8:00

Friday, March 6
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten & Grade 1
1:00 James Hill Ukulele Concert

Monday, February 23, 2015

Science Olympics

Congratulations to our Westgate Grade 2 students who participated in the Science Olympics last Saturday at the Big Four Building.  Students worked through a number of challenges including designing a pair of shoes from recycled materials.  

Madame Darlene's students test their shoes.

Srta. Jackie with her students and their shoes.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Week Ahead: February 23 - 27, 2015

Monday, February 23
Read2gether, Calgary Reads

Tuesday, February 24
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 8, 11, 15 & 19

Wednesday, February 25
Tennis during regular Phys. Ed. times
Wee Read, Calgary Reads
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons

Thursday, February 26
Read2gether, Calgary Reads
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 9, 10, 17 & 22
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 3 Comic Club
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons
7:00 Parent Council Meeting

Friday, February 27
Swimming - Spanish Kindergarten & Grade 1
1:00 Grade 2 Assembly

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tax Receipts

Tax receipts for noon supervision have been sent home with students.  Duplicate receipts for August - December 2014 can be printed by logging into My CBE Account at  Requests for January - June 2014 receipts can be sent to Student Fees at or by calling 403-817-7888.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Week Ahead: February 15 - 20, 2015

Sunday, February 15
Deadline to order Special Lunch

Monday, February 16
Family Day - No School

Tuesday, February 17
Wee Read, Calgary Reads
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 8, 11, 15 & 19

Wednesday, February 18
Read2gether, Calgary Reads
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons

Thursday, February 19
Grade 3 French - Glenbow Museum
Read2gether, Calgary Reads
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 9, 10, 17 & 22
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 3 Comic Club
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons

Friday, February 20
Pizza Special Lunch

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Week Ahead: February 9 - 16, 2015

Monday, February 9
Wee Read / Read2gether, Calgary Reads

Tuesday, February 10
No Choir

Wednesday, February 11
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons (both Wednesday and Thursday students to attend)

Thursday, February 12
Teachers' Convention - No School

Friday, February 13
Teachers' Convention - No School

Monday, February 16
Family Day - No School

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Week Ahead: February 2 - 6

Tuesday, February 3
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 8, 11, 15 & 19

Wednesday, February 4
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons (Beginner)

Thursday, February 5
FR Gr. 1, Rms 2 & 4 - Leighton Art Centre
11:40 - 12:30 Grade 2 Choir, Rms. 9, 10, 17 & 22
2:50 - 3:40 Grade 4 Guitar Lessons (Returning Students)

Friday, February 6
FR Gr. 1, Rms 6 & 7 - Leighton Art Centre